Why Isn't Axis Showing My Servers?!?
Under section FAQ
Having trouble seeing your servers in the Axis dashboard? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the common reasons this might happen and how to fix them.
Axis Keeps Redirecting Me to Add the Bot
If Axis is redirecting you to add the bot even though it’s already in your server, the solution is simple: wait a few minutes.
Sometimes there’s a slight delay while Axis syncs your server data. After waiting, refresh the page and try again.
Axis Says I Have No Servers
If Axis shows "no servers," double-check the following:
- Logged Into the Right Account:
Make sure you're logged into the correct Discord account on the website.
Server Permissions:
- You need to either be the server owner, an administrator, or have a role with permissions to manage the server.
Still Not Working?
If none of the above solutions work, try this:
- Click your profile in the top-right corner of the Axis dashboard.
- Select Log Out.
- Log back in using the correct Discord account.
This will usually resolve any lingering issues.
If you’re still stuck, join our Support Server, and we’ll help you out!
Thanks for using Axis!